Coach, what do we do? POV of a Humanise Masterclass coach

Interview with Vincent Poliquin, Masterclass coach and Media Strategist at Glassroom.

Humanise: Hello, Vincent. Thanks for taking a few minutes for a coffee with us today to talk about the Masterclass.

Vincent: It’s a pleasure! 

H: You’ve been involved in Masterclass for several years. Did you participate as a student, or did you dive right in as a coach? 

V: I unfortunately didn’t have the chance to participate in a Masterclass as a student, as the program hadn’t yet been set up, so I was introduced to them as a coach in 2020.

H: As a coach, what’s your role? 

V: My role is really more to guide participants’ considerations and ideas rather than telling them what to do. When you start out in advertising, the learning curve is quite steep and can seem daunting when you enter an agency. My role is to reassure the participants and encourage their ideas, but also to push them in how they think about advertising and its place in society. 

H: What made you want to get involved? 

V: Honestly, I love competition and passing on knowledge to others is an important value to me. Masterclasses allow me to combine the two.

H: Word is going around the Humanise collective that coaching Masterclasses prompted you to get a tattoo. Can you elaborate? 

V: It was a bet I made with my good friend and Humanise legend Felix Lam. I have to admit that I haven’t done it yet, but it’s coming ;). I’m having a hard time choosing what I want to have as my first tattoo. 

H: Competition is fierce between Masterclass teams, and you really want your team to win. How do you motivate your team, or get them to reach further?

V: Without telling them that they absolutely have to win, even though that’s the objective, I like to remind them of the opportunity they have to stand out in front of Humanise professionals, and potentially their future employers. That opportunities like this come along rarely and that they should take advantage of them as much as possible. 

H: What qualities do you notice most in students that impress you? 

V: The ability to work, interact and build as a team are important strengths, but in my opinion the greatest quality for a participant is having a positive attitude and an openness to learning. In advertising, you never work alone. For my part, I try to quickly identify those who communicate well and who are able to centralize a project.

H: And on the other hand, what’s the one thing you shouldn’t do during the Masterclass?

V: Pretend to be an expert. Advertising is a reflection of society, which is constantly changing, so having a lack of openness to others’ realities is a mistake, in my opinion.

H: Well said! The next Masterclass starts really soon: students have till February 15 to register. What are you most excited about with this new edition?

V: Every year, it’s an opportunity for us to find young people with potential, so I’m excited to meet the up-and-comers and talk with them about their perceptions and career goals at the agency.

​​H: If you had one piece of advice to give to future participants, what would it be?

V: Sign up! No matter the outcome, this experience will help you grow and also give you a head start on the job market. 

Come leave your mark!

H: Excellent. Thank you so much for your time, we can’t wait to have you back as a coach this year. 

You are a communication student with a strong desire to learn and grow in your field? Sign up for the Humanise Masterclass! You have until February 15 to apply here 👉