We have four principles, and they’re the salt that seasons everything we do.
- B4hBye-bye B2B and B2C. Hello B4H.
Business for Humans is what we do, because we believe that clients and consumers are people first. We connect with them and care for them, to help them be successful in their own daily challenges. We are in the business of caring about people, and everything we do is done with human beings in mind. Forget about top-down, bottom-up, us versus them. There are no formal presentations here. We all sit on the same side of the table, brainstorming and sharing our eureka moments.
- BeBehavioural Economics
It’s a thing. It’s also one of our things. Here’s what it means in a nutshell: Behavioural economics looks at how emotional factors affect people’s economic decision-making.
A better understanding of behavioural economics gives us a better understanding of the inspiration and drive behind human choices. Sound complicated? It just means that people aren’t numbers or machines. They’re clients, employees, consumers, citizens, parents, pet owners—all humans with complex emotions, motivations and biases affecting what, when, how and how often they do things.
Learn moreShow less - LtLiminal Thinking
Our brains and senses help us perceive and interpret reality, but with some limitations. Similarly, our belief systems can limit our ability to innovate and create.
Liminal thinking is the conscious effort to question and reshape our beliefs so that we can explore new ideas and unlock opportunities beyond conventional limits. The word “liminal” is Latin for “threshold.” Liminal thinking opens up mental thresholds that have the power to provoke mindful, positive change. We love liminal thinking because we believe change is good. Especially when it’s for the good of human beings.
Learn moreShow less - CcCollaborative Creativity
Collaborative creativity isn’t a two-way street. For us, it’s more of a three-, four- or five-lane fast-track speedway.
Actually, it helps if you think of it as a conjunction, or intersection, of great brains from various fields with different backgrounds and diverse expertise, all coming together to create a more powerful and meaningful strategic and creative product. CC is our process, methodology and state of mind—all in one.
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- Full-service advertising
Brand building, creative problem solving, communication strategy, research and insights, production
- Brand Language
Transcreation and translation, content writing, product naming, cultural validation, consulting for brands entering the Quebec market
- Media and analytics
Media strategy and activation, in-housing consultancy and training, data management and analytics, multichannel marketing automation, SEM and SEO
- Experiential marketing
Brand engagement programs, content strategy and creation, PR and influencer campaigns, strategic stakeholder communications, experience design and production
- Digital ecosystems
Digital strategy, digital advertising and marketing, design sprints and co-creation, user experience and interface design, digital platform creation and development
- Transmedia storytelling
Gamification and loyalty infrastructure, transmedia storytelling, community building, digital production, predictive analytics
- Content production
Video and photo production, talent and location scouting, social and timely content, motion design, VO casting and recording, market research (customer testimonials and portraits)
- Management consulting
Blueprint for growth and strategy optimization, innovation strategy and lab acceleration, customer engagement and loyalty, data monetization
- Master planning
Structural Mapping Process, collaborative design
- Exhibition and Visitor Attractions
End-to-end experience creation, from idea to reality: Strategy and planning, Creative and content development, Design and technical development, project and production management, management and operations.